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  M i c r o K n o w z ™

  M i c r o K n o w z ™

Combustible gas sensor modules.

     $94 to $140 - Combustibles (0-50% LEL)

 $112 to $158 - Carbon monoxide (0-450 ppm)

 (Add to cart via part number generator)
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The most commonly selected options have been checked as defaults. If your preferred configuration is not selectable below, then please contact Neodym.

Target Gas

   Hydrogen     Methane     Propane     Carbon Monoxide    

Alarm Concentation (PPM)

   PPM     Recommended alarm concentrations:

  Hydrogen: 4000 to 10000 (10% to 25% LEL)   Propane: 2100 to 5250 (10% to 25% LEL)
  Methane: 5000 to 12500 (10% to 25% LEL)   Carbon monoxide: 50 to 150

Warning Level (Percent of Alarm Level)

   Percent (20 to 80, 0=no Warning Level)

Output Signal Type and Action

   0-5 VDC (0.5V offset, 200 steps of 20 mV each, one step per resolution unit)
   Step Function (Discrete voltages for Normal, Warning, Alarm & Error)
   TTL, Normally-High, Auto (self-clearing)
   TTL, Normally-Low, Auto (self-clearing)
   TTL, Normally-High, Latching (pushbutton/power-cycle reset)
   TTL, Normally-Low, Latching (pushbutton/power-cycle reset)

        If TTL output, signal is triggered by: Warning State and/or Alarm State

Output Signal Hysteresis

  Hysteresis for Hydrogen & Methane: 2000 PPM, for Propane: 1000 PPM

   No hysteresis     Apply hysteresis

Error Handling

If sensor fails or operating temperature is out of bounds, signal this:

   Error state only     by activating alarm devices(s) (fail safe)

Overexposure Handling

If sensor is subject to overexposure damage, handle this by:

   setting maximum sensitivity     by setting persistent error condition (fail safe)

Input Power Supply

   4.75 - 5.25 VDC     7 - 40 VDC     7 - 60 VDC

Interface connector type

Hirose DF3 series (2mm)
RJ-11 (6-4)
4-conductor terminal block (3.5mm.)

Interface harness

   Include Hirose/RJ-11 15cm color-coded wire interface harness


  MK Gx Annnx Wnnx On Hn En Xn In Kn Jn  
Field: -1- -2- --3-- --4-- -5- -6- -7- -8- -9- -10- -11-  

 1: MicroKnowz™ product family identifier

 2: Target Gas. X = H(ydrogen), M(ethane), P(ropane) & (C)arbon monoxide

 3: Alarm Level. nnn = concentration code. (code = Alarm PPM / resolution units)

     Alarm Action. x: A = trigger nothing. B = trigger TTL.

 4: Warning Level. nn = percentage of alarm concentration. No warning state if nn = 0

     Warning Action. x: A = trigger nothing. B = trigger TTL.

 5: Output Signal Type.

     1=TTL n-hi-auto. 2=TTL n-lo-auto. 3=TTL n-hi-latch. 4=TTL n-lo-latch. 5=0-5V. 6=Step

 6: Hysteresis. 0 = none. 1 = Apply.

 7: Error Handling. 1 = Visual/error state. 2 = Errors trigger alarm.

 8: Overexposure Response. 1 = Hypersensitivity mode. 2 = Trigger persistent error

 9: Input Power Supply. 1 = 5VDC. 2 = 7-40VDC. 3 = 7-60VDC.

10: Connector. 1 = Hirose 2mm. 2 = RJ-11 (6-4). 3 = Terminal block

11: Interface harness. 0 = none. 1 = Hirose harness. 2 = RJ-11 harness

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